Periculum, 2019
Adobe Illustrator / Rhinoceros 3D / 3D-Printing /
Laser-Cutting / Laser-Rasterizing
Periculum was a project developed collaboratively by Angela Lam, Qiao Chen, Camille Gan, and Ming Zhao.
Periculum is an empty diamond-shaped perfume bottle that reflects the increased social phenomenon about the feeling of insecurity within our society. The perfume bottle is a metaphor for unattainable beauty, which is often glamorized in the media.
Furthermore, the diamond-shaped perfume bottle itself is flawed, because it needs to be supported by the packaging, which is only held together by a thin piece of string. Once the string is removed, the clear acrylic packaging and the perfume bottle will topple over through a domino effect, which further enhances the ideas of fragility and vulnerability.
Furthermore, the diamond-shaped perfume bottle itself is flawed, because it needs to be supported by the packaging, which is only held together by a thin piece of string. Once the string is removed, the clear acrylic packaging and the perfume bottle will topple over through a domino effect, which further enhances the ideas of fragility and vulnerability.

The final product is to be placed in a cosmetics store where it would sit alongside other makeup products and perfume bottles, which inherently serve a much different purpose to the consumers.